
All content and services on this page are offered by LBMC就业伙伴, 有限责任公司. LBMC就业伙伴, 有限责任公司, is part of the LBMC Family of Companies and is an independent entity with services and products being provided exclusively by LBMC就业伙伴, 有限责任公司.

As a business owner, you know that your people are the backbone of your success. Every company has unique requirements, and we recognize that. That’s why our human 资源 are customized to meet your specific needs.

LBMC就业伙伴 offers a full range of HR services to companies in all sectors. We can provide you with comprehensive HR solutions through our 专业雇主组织(PEO) or connect you with one of our certified HR experts for 人力资源外包(HRO). 在明升体育app下载支持下, you can devote your time and energy to your primary business objectives while having peace of mind. 选择我们作为您值得信赖的人力资源合作伙伴.

Client Spotlights showcase the success stories of our valued clients and the innovative solutions we implemented to help them achieve their goals. 探索明升体育app下载客户聚光灯. >>


Whether you’re just establishing your business or you’re in the early years, you may want a refresher about all the HR-related tasks and policies that need to be implemented. We’ve created this helpful checklist so you can walk through each HR need to ensure you’ve handled it. 因为人力资源涵盖了企业的很多方面, this tool can help you identify where your HR bases are covered and 你需要找个搭档吗.


It’s important to have a clearly spelled out protocol for both bringing on new employees and letting employees go.


Welcoming new team members is an important part of creating a healthy workplace culture. Ensure all new hiring tax forms, NDAs, and codes of contact are signed and stored.


保护你的员工不受骚扰是至关重要的. Make sure you have a strong anti-harassment policy that is written in accordance with all local and national laws, and a plan for investigating any complaints that are made.


因为医疗立法瞬息万变, you need to be able to respond to those changes with a robust healthcare plan that offers a bevy of options to employees. Make sure you can answer any and all questions that come up or can point your employees to someone who can answer them.


对于这个, you’ll need to compare available retirement plans and decide on your company’s matching contribution, 如果有任何. Retirement contributions should be deposited from employee payroll.

Medical Leave, Long Term Disability Leave, or Family Medical Leave Policies

事故和危机确实会发生, 作为雇主, 你必须为不可想象的事情准备一个计划. Serve your employees by establishing parameters and supports around unplanned and unexpected leave.


优秀的员工需要休息, and they need to understand how they can request time to relax and rejuvenate. 假期政策因行业而异, so conduct informal research to see if your PTO is in line with your industry standards.


当一个新孩子加入家庭时, your employees will need to take time away from work to care for that child. 清晰、大方 育儿假政策 will help support your employees as they support their new arrival.


所有的职位都需要特定的技能, 技术, or protocols that must be taught and mastered in order to do the job well. Having a set curriculum for commonly used skills will be incredibly beneficial to employees.


First, you need to make sure that all SUTA and FUTA requirements are met. 在那之后, 如果前雇员提出雇佣索赔, you must be able to verify their employment and explain the reason for their termination.


Once you’ve developed your HR policies, you need to make sure those policies are 可供工人使用. They should be carefully vetted by an HR professional and an attorney to ensure they follow all relevant legislation.


Documenting employee performance and keeping excellent records about the underlying evidence for those reviews will pay dividends in the future. This information can provide data about hiring, termination, employee progress, and promotions.


It’s human nature that not everyone in a group will get along. You need to have clear steps to help two parties who are at odds reach a mutually beneficial solution. 如果冲突继续升级, you need to have documentation around the steps you took to facilitate an effective resolution.


You’ve probably realized that a homegrown HR solution might not be the most effective for your small business. 而不是, maybe you’re looking to partner with an outsourced HR company to better serve your employees. 作为一家公司,你可以在人力资源主管和首席运营官之间做出选择.

F或者一个ny company, regardless of size, a good HR department is a must-have. 但, 因为人力资源工作既耗时又昂贵, many companies decide to outsource these services to either a 专业雇主组织(PEO) 或者一个 人力资源外包(HRO) 机构. 这两类公司都提供重要的人力资源服务, but there are a few differences that employers should be aware of before choosing the right service provider.


PEOs are for companies that want to outsource their entire HR department. 最好的peo offer everything from payroll management and employee onboarding to 好处 negotiations, and they can completely eliminate the need f或者一个n in-house HR department. PEOs are best for companies looking f或者一个 ready-made solution to all their HR needs.

因为peo通常代表多个组织, they can often provide small businesses with better bargaining power for 好处 packages. Since employees are part of a larger pool, this also lowers the cost of HR services per employee. These 好处 make PEOs a great solution for small businesses or new businesses that don’t already have in-house HR departments.


While the best PEOs provide an all-in-one HR solution, HRO provides more of an à la carte option. 而不是承担公司所有的人力资源任务, 人力资源经理可以承担特定的角色, 为每个单独的业务定制. Many businesses use HRO f或者一个 particularly complicated task, 像工资, 或者帮助组织进行重大变革. A HRO provider can be the perfect solution for companies who need assistance with compromising situations or employee recruiting and onboarding. They can also help with tasks like creating an employee handbook, 制定培训计划, 或者起草职位描述.

HRO services are good for businesses with existing HR departments that aren’t ready 或者一个ble to relinquish total control of all HR tasks to a PEO. Many businesses today manage sensitive data and are unable to turn all their employees’ data over to an outsourced HR 机构 due to cybersecurity concerns. HRO allows companies to maintain control over their data systems, while still gaining the administrative 好处 from HR outsourcing.

So, how do you choose between a PEO and HRO for your company needs? The experts at LBMC就业伙伴 are happy to assess your needs and help you decide which solution is best. 请立即明升体育app下载,了解我们如何提供帮助!

5 Reasons to Consider Outsourcing or Upgrading Your 工资 or HR Needs

1. 不知所措的员工

If there’s a clear sign that you or your current team is overwhelmed with a heavy workload, it’s likely that adding HR or payroll tasks to the list of responsibilities will only make things more challenging. Not only can an HR outsourcing company ease the burden of managing employee needs 像工资 and 好处, but they can also help employers to improve company culture through development and training activities, 回答员工的保险和福利问题, 并为 让员工充满挑战,热爱自己的工作.

2. 缺乏时间、知识或资源

简单地说, 如果你没有时间, 知识, or 资源 available to you as an employer for handling payroll and human 资源, it’s time for outsourcing or upgrading your payroll and HR needs. 你的投资回报是非常值得的, and you’ll not only feel the relief from a management perspective, 但是你的员工也会注意到不同, as important company responsibilities will not only be handled promptly but also in an organized and efficient manner.

3. 裁减人员

Any time a company experiences a reduction in staff—whether someone leaves, 被解雇了, or even furloughed—it places an additional burden on other staff members, 特别是雇主. As others are left to pick up pieces after employees are gone, it’s essential that there’s a plan in place for keeping important tasks 像工资 management and human 资源 moving along without error. This is a great example of when an HR outsourcing partner can step in and save the day, relieving the burden that can come along with staff reductions.

4. 代价高昂的错误历史

Administrative mistakes are costly—especially when it comes to payroll, 工资税甚至是雇佣和解雇. That’s why it’s essential to partner with an experienced HR or payroll services provider to avoid serious errors. There’s nothing like the peace of mind that can come along with outsourcing your HR needs, 特别是工资税或工资税.

5. 同时使用多个软件程序

Let’s face it—no employer wants to juggle between a handful of software systems when it comes to employee management. Enlisting an HR outsourcing partner can help you merge your human capital management into one easy-to-use software system like UKG准备好了,这可以 精简工作流程 from the recruitment process all the way through retirement, using powerful data analytics tools to help HR departments make more strategic decisions.


LBMC就业伙伴 is not only equipped to guide you with your current needs, 但我们有经验, 资源, and flexibility to grow with your payroll and HR needs along the way. 明升体育app下载 today to learn how we can help you focus on your business while we handle the details of often complicated employment challenges and human 资源 issues.

Even though I have a background in tax, payroll can be frustrating. 有了PEO,我再也不用担心犯错了.
Greg Erickson,石墨烯公司首席财务官
Doing everything and mastering nothing is a critical mistake. 不管是新手还是老手, the efficiency of your business when using a PEO is only going to help you become more profitable.



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